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Looking for therapeutic grade products? 
We would love to have a conversation about Wellness and help you implement the appropriate products that compliment your lifestyle!  All Calming Waters Wellness products can be ordered online and shipped direct to you by clicking on the below Shop Now buttons.  We are here to serve, please reach out with questions.

why young living essential oils & products?  
They are simply the best.  How do we know?  "Purity starts in our fields, but it is proven in the lab.  The highly trained scientists of our D. Gary Young Research Institute perform hundreds of tests every step to ensure that we deliver the purest, most potent, and highest quality essential oils and oil infused products."

experience the benefits of Essential Oils
Essential oils are concentrated extracts harvested from plants, herbs, and trees, which are carefully steam distilled or cold pressed. These pure, precious oils are more potent than the botanicals from which they’re extracted and contain powerful, concentrated health and wellness benefits.
Whether you use oils for aromatherapy, personal care, or as household solutions, all aspects of your life will get a boost with a few drops of essential oils!


why Coseva?
Advanced TRS is a clinical grade, lab created product for 100% purity guaranteed.  Simply put, it is the safest most effective method for heavy metal toxin removal.  Just 5 sprays per day of this tasteless product helps your body safely remove up to 10x more heavy metals.

Coseva’s Advanced Fulvic-Humic Acid Micronutrient Formula provides your body with the richest variety of natural organic substances needed to assist with cellular detoxification, replenish the gut microbiome, unlock important energy and nutrients from the foods we eat, and support a strong immune system. 

why Nikken?  
Simply put, their philosophy and their products support everything Calming Waters already stands for.  Nikken has been around since 1975.  Their technologies have stood the test of time and they continue to bring sustainable living products to market. 

At Calming Waters, we bring you the highest bioavailable and water-soluble micronutrients.  It makes sense to have the best water filtration system on the market available to our clients.  Water is more than a drink; it is an essential nutrient for life.

At Calming Waters your wellness matters.  We believe YOU matter.
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